Call For Speakers is OPEN!!

Are you interested in presenting at the SC Tri-Association Conference 2025 in Myrtle Beach, SC? If so, the planning committee wants to hear from you!

We are looking for thought-provoking industry leaders who focus on innovative methods and best practices for maintenance, construction, custodial needs, employee leadership, or any other topic that promotes continued growth and development of our facilities, the professionals maintaining them, and the sites for which they’re responsible.

Use the form below to submit your abstract.

Deadline for submission: January 31, 2025

Facilities Conference Session

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding call for speakers reach out to

*Timelines are subject to change.

Proposals will be evaluated and organizers will reach out to confirm selection. Please note that speaking at the SC Tri-Association Conference is a volunteer opportunity. Compensation for speaking fees and travel is not provided to speakers unless otherwise indicated.